HEA Assisatant Art Directo
"Here It Goes Again" by MorMor is a disco inspired bop, that capsulates the feelings of love, loss and how in that stage of love, it can come in full circle. In the video, the set tired to recapture the idea of reentering one’s love life in a 1930s bar. Similar to the idea of a groundhog day, with in the video MorMor’s character keeps rentering the bar but in a stranger and stranger circumstance.
Toronto born, NY based singer Mor Mor had an over the top music video for song “Here It Goes Again” on his album Semblance.
Directed by Adrian Villagomez, the lead art director, I and other assistants took well- over 72 hours to build and deconstruct a 4 walled space, added the flooring, rewrapped the tables to make into granite and built a bar.
I was the the head assistant on set, directing the other PAs on helping out the petit mains on set. I helped place items throughout the bar scene, redorcated the tables, built a bar and added flowers and corrdinated with the costume designer to ensure the decoration worked well with the changing scenes of the music video.
At the time of the video, the song was unreleased, so it was a pleasure to making this ground-hog day inspired video for him.
Directed by Adrian Villagomez, the lead art director, I and other assistants took well- over 72 hours to build and deconstruct a 4 walled space, added the flooring, rewrapped the tables to make into granite and built a bar.
I was the the head assistant on set, directing the other PAs on helping out the petit mains on set. I helped place items throughout the bar scene, redorcated the tables, built a bar and added flowers and corrdinated with the costume designer to ensure the decoration worked well with the changing scenes of the music video.
At the time of the video, the song was unreleased, so it was a pleasure to making this ground-hog day inspired video for him.
I helped built a 4 room bar from strach and gluing flowers together to have them fall out of the car. Assistanting on this set gave me the first hand expereince of set designing for a music video, and the work that comes in collaborating multiple people to make this dream life film. I was apart of a team that painted, steamed the curtain, placed fake marble wall paper on tables and guided other PAs and assistants to help the Art Director complete her vision.